Search results

  1. davemc

    Variables not evaluating

    I have a clean new fusionpbx install. Outbound SIP calls via a gateway are not working because they are inviting the internal IP. SIP Profile external ext-sip-ip is set to $${external_sip_ip} Variable external_sip_ip is set to an outside address 202.x.x.x The variable won't evaluate...
  2. davemc

    ivr say: tts-voice

    For IVR, how do I amend the text to speech tts voice tts-voice that "say" uses in Greet Long? In other words, how do I configure Flite within FusionPBX, (or file system if no GUI) ? Currently it uses a thick male voice presumably from open tts flite. say:Press 0 for reception The sparse...
  3. davemc

    FusionPBX within VPN and NAT setting for RTP audio

    FusionPBX VM on local LAN with subnet, eg Phones connected on LAN, and also phones connected over VPN from other sites, or from different subnets via local routers, eg There is no NAT within the VPN and local routed networks, it's direct connect. When SDP invite goes...