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  1. R

    Default caller ID?

    under Advanced Domains, when you click on a domain, there’s a way to add settings to a domain. I see in that dialog there’s a way to add variables, but I’m not sure what to put for Category or Sub-Category
  2. R

    Default caller ID?

    You can set variables in the domain, this would be the proper way to do it in freeswitch, not quit sure where to go in fusionpbx to accomplish this yet:
  3. R

    Default caller ID?

    Yes that would work fine. I guess I got confused by the way he wrote it. At any rate, if you’re not doing multitenant, setting it in the sip profile is simpler to manage and that wasn’t mentioned in this thread and I wanted to add that information to it in case it was useful to someone
  4. R

    Default caller ID?

    It looks like he was suggesting hacking the php source which could break when upgrading. I’ve not done any multitenant, but I’m pretty sure there are a couple ways to skin this cat. If you setup a different IP address and different sip profile for each tenant, it would work as stated, but...
  5. R

    Default caller ID?

    I believe the solution you're looking for is to go into Advanced Variables, scroll down to "SIP Profile: External" and create a new variable "outbound_caller_id_number". This will give you a default callerid for all extensions, but can be optionally overwritten by the callerid programmed into...