FusionPBX Not Access

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Aug 15, 2020
Okay guys, I deleted a subdomain and restarted my server from linux prompt.
I observed that my server is no longer accessible from the GUI even from the main IP address but if I ping its rechargeable.
What can I do to recover my server back instead of reinstalling

Resetting the Administrator Password on FusionPBX 5.3​

If you can SSH to the server, you can reset the admin password directly from the database. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Server: Access your server via SSH.
  2. Switch to the PostgreSQL User:
    su - postgres
  3. Access the FusionPBX Database:
    psql fusionpbx
  4. Run the Password Update Query: Execute the following SQL command to reset the admin password (replace 'PasswordPassword1' with your desired password). Make sure the new password meets the required complexity.:
    UPDATE v_users
    SET password = md5('PasswordPassword1')
    WHERE username = 'admin';
    • If the query runs successfully, the new password for the admin account will be PasswordPassword1.
  5. Exit the PostgreSQL Command Line: Type the following to quit:
Thanks man, but still no way. The Web Browser GUI will not even load
It just says the server is not reachable
It’s not all bad—you’ve learned something new! When I was starting out, I had to start over a few times before I got the hang of the system’s quirks. My advice is to take snapshots as you go while learning the system. Unfortunately, some of the directions online are poorly written, and other parts aren’t documented at all. It’s inevitable that you’ll run into issues or even break the system while experimenting or following outdated guides—but that’s part of the learning process!
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