Recent content by Davesworld

  1. Davesworld

    Call recordings transcription

    I thought we already had both. Edit: I was confusing the text-to-speech function called Speech. Transcription is listed twice but one is specific for Voicemail.
  2. Davesworld

    Transcription not sent in emails first time, is sent on resend.

    It makes sense now since the only one that is shown in both categories is OpenAI.
  3. Davesworld

    Transcription not sent in emails first time, is sent on resend.

    Thanks. Hopefully a parameter can be added to delay the email composition once a wave file is recorded or OpenAI needs to be faster.
  4. Davesworld

    Transcription not sent in emails first time, is sent on resend.

    I've only had a few that were transcribed in time for the mailer. It sends it to the queue a bit too fast.
  5. Davesworld

    Transcription not sent in emails first time, is sent on resend.

    It had no effect as I suspected since it sends the mail to the queue immediately and the delay is just the send interval of what has already been composed and queued. It was worth a shot though. I am curious as to why there are two sections, speech and transcribe. In the speech resources...
  6. Davesworld

    Transcription not sent in emails first time, is sent on resend.

    I don't see how that would work as the queue stores and delays what has already been composed as far as I know, in this case, prematurely but I just set it at 300 to see if it has any effect.
  7. Davesworld

    Transcription not sent in emails first time, is sent on resend.

    I figured it was timing. If only there were a way to delay the email composition.
  8. Davesworld

    Transcription not sent in emails first time, is sent on resend.

    I got transcription working with OpenAI, but the first emails sent out do not have transcription in them, only the attached files. When I go to the messages via the web GUI, they are transcribed, and if I resend the email manually, the transcription IS in the email.
  9. Davesworld

    Voicemail in 5.3 only shows the length and size on the first line.

    In 5.3, when in a voicemail box in the GUI, it only shows the top line as far as length and size; however, the size always shows 0 on the one line that shows anything. Multiple machines all behave like this.
  10. Davesworld

    letsencrypt install certificate fail

    I usually install certbot from Debian and python3-certbot-nginx. A firewall should have been installed by default, you do not want it wide open, trust me on this.
  11. Davesworld

    Hello From Atlanta, GA

    Welcome! Every day you will learn something.
  12. Davesworld

    Installation on Debian 12

    That problem is not limited to Debian 12. The thread you linked and following Mark Crane's instructions worked for me. The new method is easier on resources but it only updates once per minute so call records can take up to 1 minute to show up. People with Debian 11 had the same issue. It's a...
  13. Davesworld

    Installation on Debian 12

    That problem is not limited to Debian 12. Not just new installs, I had it too and had to follow Mark Crane's instructions to get it out of the ditch so to speak.
  14. Davesworld

    Installation on Debian 12

    It absolutely is 100% compatible, especially since the installer has recently been updated to cover 12.