Recent content by Dast

  1. Dast

    Ring group CDR not showing answering extension

    Consider this solved. The real issue was the SIP client being used - it's a webRTC client based on SIP.js. Switching to another sip js lib solved the issue. The problem is that these clients register with a randomly generated extension ID, as seen below. Highlighted in green, this should be the...
  2. Dast

    Ring group CDR not showing answering extension

    Hiya I have a ring group that calls a mix of extensions, and external numbers. The issue is with the CDR, it does not show the extension that answered the call. The following screenshot shows an example. 900* is the ring group. The call was answered by an extension, but it's not shown, the...
  3. Dast

    SMS Integration

    Hi all, Does DjangoPBX currently support SMS, or SIMPLE chat messages? I could not find any info on this in the git repo or website.
  4. Dast

    Valet Parking destination as header

    A custom softphone was developed and is being used. It integrates with the clients CRM to display the caller's profile/details when a call is answered. When a call is parked, it effectively provides a BLF button to retrieve that specific call. The initial problem was that when doing a blind...
  5. Dast

    Valet Parking destination as header

    Figured I'd post my solution. For context, the users are using a custom webrtc based softphones, and they want to know where a call is parked. Because a blind transfer is being used to park calls, I couldn't figure out a way to include the valet destination in a header. Though it's not the...
  6. Dast

    Valet Parking destination as header

    Hi all I've got a user that wants to receive the valet parking lot destination as a SIP header when parking a call using *5900. I have modified the `app/valet_park/index.lua` script to include the following; if (session:ready()) then session:execute("export"...
  7. Dast

    Best Practise with FusionPBX for home environment incl. DMZ

    @witom Your LAN is somewhat similar to one of my sites. I am using OPNSense instead of pfSense, and don't have the FritzBox. I have a VLAN for the PBX server, a few different VLAN's for phones of different tenants, plus VLAN's for other stuff. I also have it setup for external voip clients, and...
  8. Dast

    Call Center External Agent

    I've set the contact number as a bridge, where the bridge has the following; [ignore_early_media=true,originate_timeout=25,origination_caller_id_number=0744444444,screen=false]sofia/gateway/dc771205-759e-4def-bd31-e5400cbe93db/0412345678 However the calls screening is still in place, I'm...
  9. Dast

    Call Center External Agent

    I tried creating a new call center agent, with the contact number set as (the guid is for the sip gateway); sofia/gateway/dc771205-759e-4def-bd31-e5400cbe93db/0412345678 This seems to kind of work. It seems call screening is enabled for the receiver (0412345678), and the outbound number used is...
  10. Dast

    Yealink Wallpaper Provisioning

    Watch your nginx access logs (/var/log/nginx/access.log) to see what if any url is being hit for the wallpaper. Try adding a slash to the end of the yealink_t46u_wallpaper value.
  11. Dast

    Call Center External Agent

    Hi there, How can I have a call center call an external number for an agent? After searching the forums, I see follow-me does not work with call centers. I know a ring-group will work, however I also require the queue aspect of call centers. Any ideas on how I can accomplish this? I'm using...
  12. Dast

    Upload Recordings does nothing

    I would try checking your /var/log/nginx/error.log file, it might give you some clues.
  13. Dast

    is it right to clear RAM cache daily?

    Are you currently having issues with calls due to running out of ram? How have you confirmed this?
  14. Dast

    Soc 2 Type 2 certification

    lol no.
  15. Dast

    is it right to clear RAM cache daily?

    I would advise against this. Linux likes to keep caches full to minimise disk reads, this is a good thing for performance. It will automatically optimise what to keep in the cache. Unused RAM is wasted RAM. What is your reason for wanting to free up memory?